Monday, May 29, 2006

Say Hello to Tony Montana

Captured Images stare at me
With smiles on their faces, all of them
I smile at my reflection,
It refuses to smile back.

The failures I quantify
They are so many
The blessings I turn to
Unquantifiable, irreplaceable, omnipresent.

Death is the end of life?No. Life is death. Life is a test.
Death is freedom from the shackles,
Death, is life - in a new world; out of the cage that is the body.

Give me fire. Give me reason to live, reason to fight.
Give me life i would live all over again
Give me a death i would like to die a hundred times.

Take my life when i am burning the brightest
Take my life when i have found reason to live.

Mairaj Zindran


The Neverknown said...

i converge on the leaving while on top but walking out on life just when you've found a reason to live? is that what you really want? think abt it..

Mairaj said...

Maybe the satisfaction of having found a reason to live is all my sub-conscience desires.

But really - it does sound a little cowardly. Maybe it should go like this ---

Take my life when the fire is dead
Take my life when the reason departs

The Neverknown said...

whos tony montana??????

Mairaj said...

oh! couldnt find a suitable title for this one....
btw Tony Montana is Al Pacino's characters name in Scarface