Saturday, May 06, 2006

A Chronicle for the feeble

A conflagration within
Destroying prejudice,
Tempering the soul

There may be people better,
Surely some not so good as,But there's no one like you;
That's never enough is it ?

Climbing higher and higher,
Feeding desire only increases the blessed emotion,
Soon chants will emerge - 'Man for God! Man for God!'

I love you so much, I wait for you to go,
The soul trapped in your body;
Only then will it be with me forever

Hand over the reigns to the devil,
Only then will they learn to treasure You.
If it weren't for the animals.. there would be no rain on earth.

Let me fall in despair,
Let me get helpless in the wilderness,
Let me learn to cling on to that last hope, the hope of finding hope.

I search for a conscience on e-bay,
I put mine up for free, but it comes back to me.
What are we, just sharks in the sea?

My hands rise in prayer,
But they fear to ask for anything,
What if my wishes come true?

Lets get real low,
'As long as I get to have my way too, sling all your insinuations on me'
The motto of this world, it seems to be.

Mairaj Zindran

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