Friday, April 11, 2008

Another day another post

Been wondering a lot over the past few days.
Maybe it's only a coincidence, but a lot of people have been dying recently.

A friends grandfather.
An aunt I never saw.
A colleagues father.

My own mummy died 4 and something years ago.
(It was tough, the doctor gave her 6 months. She left us in less than 4).

But all that is besides the point.
I've always considered death as just another part of life.
Maybe it's the way I was brought up - in Islam death is an essential part of life.
("Kullu nafsin zaikatul maut" - Every living being will taste death)
-The Quran, sura Al Imran

Looking at people feeling helpless over a near ones death.
Sobbing uncontrollably.
Getting depressed.
Hitherto I considered all this really abnormal.

But I've seen this happen so many times, I'm beginning to think that I am far away from normal.
That I'm a little too controlled. I little too secure.
But not a cold man you know, I cry too.

Looking back, I've always been this way.
Maybe that's why I've never had a relationship, nor a passionate hatred of anything or anyone.
I love everyone. Equally. Hard as that may be to imagine.
I expect very less, from very few.
This is what I am.

For those I care about
Don't expect me to mourn your death when you die. I'd rather celebrate your life.
But you will be missed. All. Sorely.

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