Thursday, April 30, 2009


That last post...made me real happy!

One of those times

It's one of those times when I want to write
Just want to rant
To smoke
To bike

It's one of times when I want to ponder
When I want to take stock
Of death; of life
Of wrong; of right

It's one of those times when I want to breathe
To hold your hand
And hold it tight

It's one of those times that I realize
That 90 mins is a waste of time
That the final score's what's on my mind

It's one of those times that I realize
Thats we're runnin' like crazy, at light's speed
When what needs attention, is our need for weed.


I asked God for solace and peace
That He patch the tear in my fabric.

That He give me love
And the sense to appreciate it.

That He give me sorrow
And the strength to overcome it.

That He give me wealth
And the ability to live without it.

God gave me a sign today
Sorry son, I have nothing for you.

A beggar pleaded with me yesterday
Sorry, I have nothing for you.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Drop out

Maybe you want others to suffer
Perhaps you like it
Taking solace in that you're not the only one

You like being a victim, don't you
An excuse for your malevolence

You're closest to the reflection in the wine
Coz it takes you away from yourself

What are you?
The distance between what you are and what you want to be

Get in the race, and you're a prisoner
Drop out, a bird