It's been a real long time since I wrote anything but Technical Specs and Standard Operating Procedures, interspersed with stinkers to my bosses - which by the way are decreasing in length and growing in menace and purpose.
Had a wave of sudden realization some time ago. That work isn't everything; on the contrary it's nothing. Just a meaningless exercise we all go through because we want to be able to bite of more than we can chew - Chewtyas. All of us.
So what did I do about it? To be honest, nothing much. But I'm getting there.
And just when intent was precipitating into action, the organization goes on and makes it a 45 hour work week. Not that we've ever had a work week less than 45, but it's shitty all the same. So where does that leave me? Still coming home at 1 am, watching TV and munching on junk till 3, having a fag and hitting the sack just when the roosters begin their cockahoot. Well, all that's about to change (yea right) ; the freaking irony being that im typing these words at 2:24 AM on a Saturday night. A saturday which, by the way, I spent working.
Aah. (Nothing, just felt like sighing).
Anyone reading this post let me know if the OG is enough for the GMAT? How much time would it take someone who's not touched a text book in aeons to have the OG all done and dusted?
Little pleasures - Bunked office mid-evening for a couple and odd hours last week. Had a great time sipping cutting chai, smoking Classic Regs and playing cricket on the street with boys from the neighbouring chawl.
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Want to catch better cinema? Catch Gulaal
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